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64” Black Outer Cover

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The Black Outer Cover Fabric is available in 51”, 64”, and 86” for the corresponding size White PLM™ umbrellas. When used with the White PLM™, it eliminates unwanted back spill light, further maximizing the output in bounce mode. The black fabric fits over the back arc of the open umbrella. The fabric has silver spoke tip ends (to fit over the 16 spoke tips on the umbrella) and has a small center hole opening for the umbrella pole tip. Please note this fabric DOES NOT work with the SILVER PLM versions. *Not compatible with our retired speedring-mounted style PLM umbrellas.

Available for 51”, 64” and 86” White PLM™ umbrellas
Eliminates unwanted back spill light
Arrives With
30-Day Absolute Satisfaction Guarantee
1-Year Factory Warranty